Wednesday, May 29, 2013

"Weather Week"

So this week Adley's learning "theme" is weather so we decided to make a weather chart that she could change daily. It turned out cute so I thought I'd share!

What you will need (you can modify with what materials you have or would rather use!)
Colored index cards
1/2 sheet of poser paper
Stick on Velcro (I found some for 1.49 at wal-mart by the command strips!)
Zip-loc bag

-write the days of the week on your index cards and tape them down the left side of the poster board

-make cards for each type of weather (we did rainy, sunny, windy, cloudy, stormy and snow) and let your child draw pictures on each card to represent the type of weather.

-place a piece of stick on velcro to the back of each weather card. Place a piece of the attachment velcro across from each day of the week.

-put a piece of the velcro on the back of the poster board and attach the attachment piece to the Ziploc bag. this can hold all of your extra weather cards!

-tape your finished poster by the back door, so that each morning your child can look outside and forecast the weather for the day, and place the correct card by that day of the week!

We are having fun with our weather chart! Hope you do too!

Monday, March 4, 2013

Preparation for Dinsey World

So excited to say that we will be journeying to Disney world with my sister and her family! I have been prep/packing for a few days now and have found some things useful that I thought i would share:

I cleared out my memory on my digital and video camera's to make sure i have plenty of room on my memory cards. I also have an extra memory card in case i need more space:)  I have fully charged the batteries on both camera's so they'll be ready to go for the "perfect picture" moment!

I had my aunt (who works at a print shop) print out autograph books for both Adley and my niece, Macey. They turned out super cute! Thank you Juju!

I put a couple of Adley's dress up princess gowns and crowns into freezer bags and put them in the bottom of her suitcase. That way, she has a princess gown if she needs it, without spending a fortune! (Im sure she will end up getting a couple in the parks anyway, but i still want to be prepared!) I also packed one of her light up toys to use at the night time events.

For the car (which we will be in 9+ hours) i packed a few dvd's and a couple empty toilet paper rolls and stickers. They can put the stickers on the rolls and be occupied for a little bit. Im so thankful that my sister has a dvd player for her car, too!


I have my shopping list for snacks, lunch and breakfast items written out. We are going to try and avoid paying park prices for food! Disney is one of the only parks that will let you bring in outside food and coolers!

I'm sure as the week progresses i will find more things that i need to do, but so far we are on the right track! Comment if you have any suggestions!

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Excited For Spring

In our house we are strated to get excited for spring to arrive. In anticipation, Adley and I have been making some "spring" themed crafts. She has enjoyed it, so I thought i would share what we've done.

1-Rabbit Hole
 (This is more of an activity than a crat, but fun all the same)
what you need:
pipe cleaners
I told adley to connect one rabbit hole to the other using the pipe cleaners. she loved it!

2-Cupcake Liner Flowers
what you need:
pipe cleaners
cupcake liners
Let you child choose a few cupcake liners to string on the pipe cleaner. twist off the pipe cleaner at the top and fold the liners out to look like a flower! Super cute. Adley made a lot, so we made a "bouquet" out of them and put them on the mantle.

3-Finger Print Eggs
what you need:
paper (we used a piece of white cardboard)
finger paint
green marker
Before the craft, draw some spots of grass with the green marker. Let your child put a finger print on each spot of grass to make a hidden egg. I wrote happy easter along the top and displayed
it on the mantle.

We had so much fun doing these together, which also led into a discussion about the season of Spring! I'm sure we will have more fun spring, st. patricks day and easter ideas to come!

Friday, February 15, 2013

Wee Trade is here!

So if any of you live in Asheville or the surrounding areas you know about wee trade. It is seriously the biggest children's consignment event i have ever see, or heard of.

That being said, you should go see it for yourself and find some amazing deals while you're at it!

There are so many things you can find there. Clothing, baby gear, furniture, strollers, swings, toys, shoes. Anything you may need for a child, it's there! And the great thing is, everything (well mostly everything) is in great condition and cheap!

Go shop: February 16-17, 22-23. The 23 most things will be 50% off. It is at the Agg center off of Airport rd. Click here for more info.

This is the spring/summer sale. They have more throughout the year for other seasons.

Here are some tips before you go:
-Bring a bag or basket to put your items in. Believe me, you dont want to try and carry everything you find!
-Know what you need and are looking for before you go.
-Set a spending limit before you get there! (they take cash and card!)
-Bring a friend if you can. Sometimes it's easier to tag team because there is SO much to look at!
-Leave your kids at home if you can. It is hard to look at evrything and tend to restless kids, too!

Hope you find some wee-tastic deals:)

Monday, February 4, 2013

Discipline Lovingly

Our church, Bitlmpore Baptist, has been doing an awesome series called My Crazy Family Life. Sundays sermon was devoted to parenting and I would like to share some of the things discussed. This really hits home for mommy's and daddy's, and even for those who will be parents in the future.

The lesson was based on the book of Proverbs, which is a great book of the bible as a source for parenting.

YOU are responsible for training your kids. Church programs are all good and well, but that is just an added bonus on top of what you are teaching your kids at home.

Three tips for training your kids up right and in the Lord:

Proverbs 22:6 says "train up a child in the way that he should go and when he is older he will not turn from it."
The earlier we start training our kids, the more likely they are to be succesful as teens and adults. A parent who prayers over their children, reads them bible stories, and teaches them daily about the Lord will see results as the child grows. The earlier they have knowledge of Christs love, the more likely it will stay with them as they get older.

I know there is much controversy over spanking a child. But, "the rod" is a source of discipline and is definitely neccessary at times.
Proverbs 22: 15 says "Folly is bound up in the heart of a child, but the rod of discipline will drive it far from him." this is not an act of hatred or anger, but will rid foolishness (folly). Make sure it is something you do in love, not when your aggrivated or mad. There are 3 tools when it comes to discipline: 1-the rod: spanking is only for direct rebellion (not childishness). 2-Talk about it: explain what the child has done wrong, and make sure they understand why. 3-Restoration of Fellowship: remind your child how much you love them.

Make sure your child knows the value of parenthood. You, as an adult, also have to practice honoring your parents. This doesnt mean not making appropriate boundaries, but place great value on those relatinships.

Proverbs 3:11, 12 "My son, dont despise the Lord's discipline and do not resent his rebuke, because the Lord disciplines those he loves, as a father the son he delights in."

Successful parenting begins and ends with your relationship with God. Take His word, and fabricate it into your life and the way you raise your child.
This sermon made me think, and want to put into practice all of these things (which mostly we already have done).

To watch the sermon click here.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Cabinet Creations

So, you know those nigts where you ask yourself "what do i have in the cabinet that i can use to make dinner?" Those are the dinners we call "Cabinet Creations."

Adley likes to help me explore through the cabinets to see what we can come up with to make a tastey meal.

Tonight was a cabinet dinner kind of night, and here's what we came up with:

tortilla chips
taco seasoning
canned chicken
diced tomatos
cream cheese
sour cream
shredded cheddar cheese
mexican style rice

now, we had all of the above in our cabinets waiting to be rescued and this is what we did with them:

we bolied/cooked the rice, and simmered the cream cheese, chicken, sour cream, diced tomatos and taco seasoning.

then, we mixed it all together.

we layered the bottom of a pan with crushed tortilla chips, then layered the mixture evenly on top. Lastly, we sprinkled and covered it with the shredded cheese.

we baked it for 15 minutes at 375.

It was delicious!So know we have a new recipe we all love, and used up some of the food/ingredients that we would have probably wasted (or went bad) otherwise!

Do you have any Cabinet Creations?

Monday, January 14, 2013

Continue to Date Your Man

My husband is the most important human bieng on this earth to me, followed very closely by my daughter. With that said, you cant let your spouse come last in your life.

God first, husband second, children thrid. That is the way God intended it to be. If you let your kids become all thats common between you and your spouse, you may lose them after the kids are gone and living their own life.

Continue to date your man. Let him know how important he is to you. Andrew and I try to make time at least once a month to just focus on each other and reconnect. Wether it be going to dinner and a movie, or just getting our parents to have Adley sleep over so that we can have the house to ourselves for an evening, any time is good time!